Welcome to Lyon Branch!
Are you curious or already addicted to Scottish dancing? Come join us!
The Scottish Dance group from Lyon is dedicated to the discovery, practice and dissemination of traditional Scottish dances as they exist today.
We welcome beginners every year, especially at the start of the season, in September, at our Friday workshop at 7:30 p.m.; we give more experienced dancers the opportunity to deepen their technique and repertoire later on in the evening.
We regularly organise events such as « Ceilidhs » (evenings for all ages), balls with Scottish live music, and workshops led by qualified musicians and teachers. We are not a show group: Very occasionally, we participate in some public events (demonstrations, animation). Our objective is above all to share in the pleasure of dancing.
Our Scottish dance group, founded in 1986, developed from the Organisation « La Chanterelle », focusing on traditional dances, and after several years of autonomous organisation, became a completely independent organisation in 2005. Affiliated with the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS) since 1991, we have been a separate « Branch » since 2008, as a separate entity. The RSCDS, which has 25,000 members and is headquartered in Edinburgh, coordinates the dissemination and transmission of Scottish Country Dances in Scotland and around the world. Find out more at www.rscds.org